Saturday, 18 June 2011

Frosty mornings have me craving baking!

So this morning was the first predicted frost of the winter, predicted i reiterate, so i'm not entirely sure if it really was that cold or not, but it sounds like a good excuse to bake to me.

I've recently found recipes for a ginger and chocolate torte and mississippi mud pie, which interested me as i'm heading over to the states in December, but neither of those really seem like the thing that'll warm my belly tonight whilst watching masterchef, so im unsure what i'll end up putting together. Maybe some cute little puddings. Who knows.

In the meantime here are some more of the cheesecakes from my previously mentioned '10 Cheesecakes in 10 Days' phase...

Above: 'Ode to Elvis' Cheesecake ( Dark chocolate, peanut butter & banana on oreo's)

Above: Carrot Cake Cheesecake

Above: Jaffa Cheesecake (Choc-Orange)

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